- All frontier, customs, quarantine, sanitary and veterinary procedures associated with arrivals and departures of the ships.
- Berth reservation, inshore moorings, mooring maintenance.
- Marine pilots, tugs and line-handling crew for the ships.
- Warranties for the payment of port expenditures and other obligatory fees.
- Preparation of bunker operations.
- Fresh water for the ships.
- Equipment delivery.
- Medical assistance and other requests of the crew.
- Disposal of bilge waters, residual waters and waste waters after washing the ship’s tanks and cisterns, sludge and other waste products.
- Maps and other useful materials.
- Communication devices for the ships (telephones, SIM-cards, Internet).
- Coordination of cargo operations.
- Scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.
- Updated information about rules and regulations in the port, their modifications, etc. for the ship owner and other parties at stake.
- Assistance and help in drawing up the necessary documents and letters for the local authorities and organizations.
- Defense of the client’s interests in conflicts and disputes, legal support.
- Conveying of the client’s instructions, other services upon the captain’s (owner’s, shipper’s) request.